Discovering nature all around us.
My idea was to enhance and beautify weeds that grow in the city and that are mostly ignored by city residents, and burned or removed by the city’s gardeners.
By doing so, my aim was to help discover the beauty of unvalued plants and to show the importance and necessity of every plant in our ecosystem.
I chose to create a thin biodegradable paper device which has lots of cut pieces (cut using the laser-cutter) in it, creating a « lace » pattern that transform a simple sheet of paper into a precious eco-friendly flat object.
Secondly I used the second technique available thanks to the laser-cutter that is engraving : with this technique, I was able to engrave text on my paper device, making this project even more eco-friendly, as I no longer had the need of a booklet to explain what this device was, and how to use it.
The final idea was to let the city residents and bystanders to take action in this project : by giving these devices away for free, anyone can easily access to it, discover the beauty of weeds growing in their town, learn more about the ecosystem and spread these devices all around the city, enabling the project to be seen more and more by everyone.
Découvrir la nature autour de nous.
Lors de nos déplacements en ville, nous passons devant un grand nombre de plantes auxquelles nous ne prêtons pas assez attention.
Parmi celles-ci, les plantes adventices en particulier, aussi connues sous le nom de «mauvaises herbes» sont particulièrement ignorées, ou détruites par des désherbeurs thermiques par exemple.
Le but de ce projet est de créer un dispositif pour mettre en avant ces plantes, et de permettre un embellissement ainsi qu’une meilleure visibilité de celles-ci.
Ce dispositif sera distribué par Les Champs Libres, et il suffira aux intéressés de s’en munir, de se promener dans Rennes à la recherche des plantes, et de petit à petit, disperser les dispositifs dans toute la ville.